What You Should Know Before Your Breast Lift
There are a few different reasons why you might be interested in having a breast lift. Some of the more common reasons include: significant weight loss, changes in breast shape and size after pregnancy, the natural processes of gravity and aging, as well as back problems. If you are considering a breast lift in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, preparation in advance is key to having a positive experience.
During your initial consultation with Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Center of Kentucky, you should notify us of any medical conditions or medications you are taking. You should also arrange for some time off from work and avoid strenuous activities for at least a week after the breast lift.
You will need to avoid eating or drinking after midnight the day before the procedure. You should dress in loose-fitting clothes to help make dressing and moving easier after the breast lift.
During surgery, Dr. Mitchell Kaye will tighten the skin and raise the nipple to give your breasts a perky and youthful appearance. Since breast lift surgery often requires that you be fully sedated, you will need to arrange to have someone drive you home and possibly help you until you are back on your feet. You can expect a follow-up call on the evening of the surgery and an in-office consultation the following day.
If you are interested in a breast lift, please call Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Center of Kentucky at 866.234.0470 to schedule a consultation. We’re happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.