Tummy Tuck

Losing a significant amount of weight to alter the shape and fat deposits on your abdomen can often be a significant challenge. While you might have lost a healthy amount of weight, you might still want to improve the overall look of your abdomen. In a situation like this you might want to talk to Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Center of Kentucky about a tummy tuck procedure.

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a procedure designed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. In a lot of cases it can also help to restore atrophied or separated abdominal muscles giving you a smoother and firmer abdominal profile.

The length and shape of the incision used by the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Center of Kentucky surgeon will vary depending on your body shape, any excess skin and your personal goals. In some cases, there might be incisions made in the upper and lower abdomen. A tummy tuck could also involve changing the location of your navel.

It’s important to keep in mind that a tummy tuck is not designed to be a simple replacement for diet and exercise. Even after you are completely healed you will need to maintain a consistent weight to keep from developing other cosmetic issues such as stretch marks. If you are planning a pregnancy in the future, you may want to delay the tummy tuck until after child birth.

If you have questions about a tummy tuck procedure, please feel free to call Advanced Cosmetic Surgery Center of Kentucky at 866.234.0470 to schedule a consultation.