Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Conveniently located to serve Hopkinsville and Christian County

Gynecomastia is the medical term for overly large male breasts. This often represents an excessive amount of fat under the skin, similar to what we see with love handles. For some patients, however, there is excessive breast tissue beneath the nipple. In these cases, the physician will initiate a work-up for medication-induced or hormonal breast tissue development. If you have excess fatty tissue in the breast area, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance, even if you are physically fit.



*Treatment results may vary.
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What is it?

Dr. Mitchell Kaye can help you boost your self-esteem and improve your appearance with male breast reduction. If the issue is caused by excessive fat deposits, we can solve it in most cases with liposuction of the chest and surrounding area. Our plastic surgeon recommends tumescent liposuction, which should result in a thoroughly numb area with minimal postoperative bruising.

Is a Gynecomastia right for me?

Do you answer “yes” to one or more of the following:
– Have excess localized fat
– Have excess breast tissue
– Bothered by the feeling that your chest is too large

What will Dr. Kaye and I discuss during my consultation?

During your initial consultation with Dr. Mitchell Kaye, we will focus on your medical history and your goals. This appointment will include a discussion of your medical history, your desires, and your expectations for the procedure.

How long is the procedure?

Our plastic surgeon may recommend tumescent liposuction, which results in a thoroughly numb area with minimal postoperative bruising. Using a powered liposuction device allows a rapid, thorough fat removal.

How long will recovery take?

This procedure typically lasts about one or two hours. The patient then goes home in a tight-fitting garment for a few weeks. Most men only need one or two days off from work to rest and recover, and most resume their gym workouts within two weeks.