Recovering from a Breast Lift

Advance preparation is an important tool to help speed recovery after a breast lift procedure. Make sure to talk to talk to Dr. Kaye about any medications you are taking. He might recommend you avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory or other medications that may increase the risk of bleeding.

A breast lift procedure requires sedation. So you should avoid eating or drinking after midnight the day before the procedure. Arrange to have a friend or family member drive you and help at home for a few days while you get back on your feet. You should plan to take some time off from work and avoid strenuous activities for at least a week.

It’s also a good idea to wear loose fitting clothes on the day of the procedure. This will make dressing and moving around much easier. You will usually be provided with a post-op bra.

It’s not uncommon for a small plastic tube to be inserted under the skin to help drain excess fluids. This is very common and Dr. Kaye will explain to you how to properly care for it and any stitches, bandages or dressings.

If you have any questions about preparing for the breast lift procedure, please feel free to call us at 866.234.0470 to schedule an appointment.